United Church of God Thanks Victor Kubik for Nine Years of Presidency

In March 2022 the Council of Elders made the decision to transition to a new leader to serve as president of United Church of God (UCG). Victor Kubik plans to retire within the next year, having served as president of UCG for nine dedicated years and more than 50 years of faithful service within the Church.

The United Church of God would like to recognize Victor and Beverly Kubik for their dedication to the Church during his presidency.

The Kubiks were instrumental in the start of UCG in Indianapolis in 1995. Victor then served on the Council of Elders from 1995-2010, while also pastoring congregations in central Indiana. Mr. Kubik recounts, “In 2010 Roy Holladay called on me to oversee Ministerial Services in Cincinnati. Then in 2013, upon the death of my mentor and closest friend Denny Luker, I became President of the United Church of God and have served in this role for nine great years. I am happy to report, as I leave this post and retire, that I look with fondness on this period as a wonderful opportunity to work with many devoted and God-fearing men and women. I will always treasure these days.”

Mr. Kubik has numerous accomplishments from his tenure as president, many being the result of his love for people and the desire to build and maintain connections between them. Upon arriving in Cincinnati, he immediately began a relationship with the community through the Rotary Club. He says, “Community leaders knew where our building was, but had never met anyone from UCG. By taking an interest in them, the Rotarian members took an interest in us. Three Rotarians came to our Public Appearance Campaign and several came to recordings of Beyond Today. Another, a former Deputy Ambassador to Iraq, came to speak to ABC and the home office staff and was positively impressed by our faculty and students. A domestic relations judge Rotarian, being knowledgeable of our views on the divine institution of marriage, has contacted and visited us asking how we could help couples in the late stages of divorce proceedings.” As a Rotarian and CEO, Mr. Kubik was also asked to sit on a scholarships committee and interview high school students. These connections and friendships have also greatly benefitted overseas work, as Rotary International has granted funding for ambulances and boreholes, and even funded a visit to Malawi.

In 2013, Mr. Kubik initiated a weekly podcast called Inside United with the purpose of communicating UCG news from within the home office and from around the world. Many individuals of varying roles and backgrounds, including both members and nonmembers, have provided unique perspectives to listeners. More than 240 episodes have been recorded since its inception, with almost as many guests.

Over the years, the Kubiks have consistently advocated for the purchase of church halls, and there are nine congregations in the U.S. that have done so. United News recently published a series of articles highlighting some of these churches. A consistent thread among them has been twofold: the ability for members to spend more time together has fostered stronger bonds between each other and made it easier for them to serve their communities.

In the home office, Mr. Kubik is respected for his interest in and support of what his coworkers do, and for being relatable and approachable in his interactions with them. Media Operation Manager Peter Eddington commented, “It’s been a wonderful nine years working with Vic as he served as Church president! Terri and I have appreciated our great friendship with Vic and his wife, Beverly, since 1995. His tireless dedication serving in many areas of the work has been invaluable in providing stability to the Body of Christ. Vic will be very missed at the home office. Terri and I pray for a blessing upon the Kubiks as they transition to other duties.”

Ministerial and Member Services Operation Manager Mark Welch commented, “It has been a real pleasure and blessing to be able to work closely with Vic these past 31⁄2 years. I have greatly appreciated Vic’s sense of humor, his warmth, his integrity and, most of all, his balanced approach in dealing with some very difficult issues. I have learned a tremendous amount from Vic’s approach and appreciate him and Bev a great deal. They make an awesome team and will, undoubtedly, continue to serve in many highly beneficial ways in the future.”

Council of Elders Chairman Len Martin commented, “Vic has been instrumental in the leadership and organization of the Church ever since our founding in Indianapolis, in 1995. He has worn many hats over his 50 years of being in the ministry of Jesus Christ and he will now be able to focus more of his time on LifeNets, which has been a passion of his for 22 years. Thank you, Vic and Bev, for your ongoing service to the Church.”

On Monday, May 2, the home office staff gathered for a special lunch to honor Mr. Kubik on his retirement, along with Connie Seelig, who is retiring, and also Jessica Hendrickson as she moves on from the home office to other future employment. Many coworkers shared kind words about Mr. Kubik’s impact on their lives. Comments focused on his approachability, kindness, personability, eagerness to try new things and attention to the success of those with whom he works. Connie Seelig summed up many of the comments by saying, “No matter what we’ve talked to him about, even if we disagreed, we knew he still loved us.”

Mr. Kubik noted that after many trips to dozens of countries around the world on five continents, people have asked him what his favorite trip has been. He replied, “My favorite trip is from Batavia to Milford each day”; that is, from his house to the home office building. The home office staff wish the Kubiks all the very best as they transition to a new chapter in their lives, and the United Church of God thanks Mr. Kubik for his dedicated tenure of service as our president.