2020 Feast of Tabernacles

Hobart, Tasmania
There were 37 brethren, comprising the two local congregations that meet in the north and south of this island state of Australia, who combined to keep this year’s Feast of Tabernacles at Fern Tree, a mountainside district overlooking Hobart, Tasmania’s capital city.

We were blessed in that the state’s COVID-19-free status enabled us to meet together physically, though with necessary precautions being observed.

Fern Tree is 1,370 feet above sea level, located in the foothills of Mt. Wellington. The small meeting hall, set in tranquil bushland surroundings, was an ideal location in which to come out of the world for eight days and focus on our great Creator and His wonderful Holy Day plan. 

Though a small satellite site, we were privileged to hear Kingdom-focused messages transmitted via webcast from both Victoria and Queensland. In spite of wet and chilly weather, the Feast atmosphere was warm as brethren made full use of the fellowship opportunities in this peaceful and sheltered setting. 

Those attending also enjoyed two pre-arranged lunches at nearby restaurants, and an afternoon of “Words and Music” showcasing the talents of various members and enabling all present to join in some enthusiastic community singing.

A potluck lunch on the Eighth Day gave the opportunity to break bread together before the final service.

In his closing remarks, Festival elder Tom Burchard commented, “We do not know what the next year may bring. But I hope and pray that you will depart from this year’s Feast spiritually strengthened, energized and encouraged to face whatever the future holds with confidence under the care of our Almighty Father and His Son.”