Young Adults Meet in Arizona for Uplifting Weekend

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Young adults gathered at Camp Wamatochick, site of the UYC Southwest summer camp, for an edifying weekend.

More than 50 brothers and sisters in Christ from six states came together and enjoyed a winter wonderland at beautiful Camp Wamatochick in Prescott, Arizona, on Feb. 25-27, for an uplifting and encouraging young adult weekend.

Inspiring messages focused on equipping the young adults with the biblical tools and knowledge necessary to face the many trials and challenges of life. Bible study on Friday night introduced the theme of the weekend, encouraging the young adults to courageously embrace their calling as one of Christ’s disciples while setting a good example for the teens and pre-teens who are influenced by them.

Messages on the Sabbath began with a call to embrace the challenges in life with faith and allow God to shape us into His people through them. Four seminars continued the theme, equipping the young adults with practical tools regarding managing stress and handling difficult conversations with grace, and spiritual tools on how to overcome addiction and to confidently rely on God to forgive and to bring us to perfection.

Trivia, fellowship, card games and snowball fights completed the fun, as well as delicious food provided by volunteers from the local congregations.

God richly blessed us with great weather, inspiring messages and a spirit of unity as we celebrated (God willing) the first of many Camp Wamatochick young adult weekends.


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