2023 Camp Report: Australia

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Summer camp was held this year in Wombaroo, New South Wales, Australia.

Set in the isolation of the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Wombaroo provides the ideal venue for the annual Australian United Youth Camp. A total of 62 youth aged 11-18 assembled from around Australia, Malaysia (two), New Zealand (one), and the United Kingdom (one). Staff from around Australia, 27 in total, willingly gave of their time, experience and skills to ensure another successful and safe camp.

Building Godly Friendships

The structure of the camp program is established on the principle of building godly friendships. Many of the youth attend congregations where they may be the only young person, or one of just a few. Camp enables them to build friendships in a godly environment with like-minded youth.

The day-time activity schedule functions around a “teams” concept. Teams consisted of around 14 male and female campers who participated in all activities together. Each team had one male and one female “Team Leader” who are older campers. This role helps develop leadership within a safe environment. The team leaders received initial training as well as ongoing mentoring from staff.

The campers were separated into male and female dorms for the evening. These dorms were divided up into three age ranges: 11-13; 14-15; 16-18. Nightly dorm chats were directed more to the age of the campers. Staff assigned as dorm leaders were primarily on the job from 5 p.m. to 9 a.m. They then went to their assigned activities during the day.

Free time was scheduled right after lunch, and just before dinner. Campers had time to relax, talk or play games together. “Nine Square in the Air” (a combination of volleyball and traditional nine square) is always popular! Various staff were involved with the campers during this free time.

This program encouraged and promoted positive, godly boy/girl friendships which are so vital to the future of the Church.

Christian Living

Christian living (CL) is the foundation of the camp program.

Following breakfast, each day began with a CL class based upon the theme, which was “Answer the Call” (Acts 2:39). The topics covered were: “What is the Call?”; “Are You Being Called?”; “Why Are You Called?”; “When Do You Answer the Call?”; “Why Answer the Call?” and “The Role of Faith in the Call.”

Boy and girl dorms of the same age range combined for CL lessons targeted to their level. The last day brought all campers and staff together for a CL Wrap-Up.

Sabbath Scenarios

“Sabbath Scenarios” occured on Sabbath morning. Staff members acted out a “contrary” scenario. The campers—divided into mixed groups of nine to 10 campers—provided a biblical response to the dilemma presented.

Scenarios included: “I am not so insecure to believe that God exists”; “There is no ‘one way’ to worship God”; “It is just a ‘computer game’! I can still discern the difference between the holy and the unholy”; “My outward appearance does not matter—God looks on my heart”; “I know God wants me to serve, but I do not have that gift.”

It was encouraging to witness the biblical knowledge of the youth and their ability to search out an answer. Staff were always on hand to provide a guiding hand.

Sabbath Service

The sermonette, presented by an older camper, addressed the benefits of compounding returns. The more we put into our calling, the greater the long-term benefit. Kobe Bryant put in extra time training to be the best. We too must put in extra time to build our relationship with God to produce exponentially greater results into eternity.

The sermon spoke to the preciousness of “The Call,” challenging the youth to answer the Call. The speaker recounted his own life experience in being called, with his mobile phone intermittently ringing throughout the message. Many of us recall how God was calling us and working with us to encourage us to answer the call. The sermon concluded with the speaker answering the phone and stating to the campers, “It’s for you!”

Monday Night Discussion “Delayed Gratification”

Beginning with “The Marshmallow Test,” campers—divided into mixed groups—identified the messages society uses to entice them to satisfy their desires now. They also considered biblical heroes of faith who delayed gratification. “The Call” requires us to “counter the culture” by controlling our desires and waiting on God to provide us with the precious promises He guarantees.

God offers the greatest reward—called “The Promise.” Marshmallows are a simple way of teaching an eternal principle.


Speech Class occurs on day one, providing campers with basic instruction in public speaking. This is preparatory to the grand Speech Night! Based on the Spokesman’s Club format, toastmasters welcome everyone and introduce the vocal exercises, jokes (to warm up the audience) and then a vibrant 30-minute topics session. The speaking session consisted of six campers presenting speeches, each being evaluated by a fellow camper. They have three days to prepare! Speakers presented on topics ranging from Robert the Bruce to the wonders of God’s animal creation.

Skit Night produced its usual embarrassing experience for some staff who were inserted into a modern interpretation of a biblical story. While being an unrehearsed actor in the play, they must figure out the biblical story.

Other activities that kept the campers (and staff) active included games night, fireside chat, a dance, art, bush skills, speedball, softball, dodgeball, tennis, raft building, high ropes, vertical playpen, the final night dinner/dance and the challenge hike.

The Challenge Hike took a biblical theme into the Aussie bush. Staff took on characters related to the theme and each team negotiated a range of confronting challenges to solve Bible-based riddles to complete the task. And God intervened to ensure the daily forecast of heavy rain fell somewhere else!

To God’s Glory

All that is accomplished at camp is to God’s glory. It is His blessing that makes the camp program so successful and enduring. It is His Way that informs the attitudes of staff and campers. We give grateful thanks to God for His wondrous blessings in making this camp a safe and meaningful experience for all.

Stephen Clark and his wife, Cathy, pastor congregations in Melbourne, Victoria; Devonport, Deloraine and Hobart, Tasmania; and Auckland and Hamilton, New Zealand.


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