United News: July - August 2022

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Welcome to the July-August 2022 issue of United News!

This issue announces the selection of Rick Shabi as United Church of God president (pages 1 and 4). Also included is an article honoring retiring pastor Stan Martin for his service on page 5. A summary of the General Conference of Elders can be found on pages 1-2. Council Member Rex Sexton writes about the important role of fathers, featured on page 3. A letter from President Rick Shabi discusses how we can grow in the unity of the faith (page 5).

Local church news can be found on pages 14-15 and international news is featured on pages 15 and 18-19.

This issue features the graduating class of 2022, including bios on pages 6-8 and 13. Ambassador Bible College and Ministerial and Member Services updates can be found on page 4.

The Good News section features articles by Tim Pebworth (pages 9-10), John LaBissoniere (pages 10-11) and Amanda Miller (page 12).

As always, you can find the Beyond Today airing schedule on the back page of this issue.

Thank you for your continued support of this publication. Please email UN@ucg.org to submit articles, announcements, local church news, questions or feedback.

Table of Contents

2 minutes
Chris Rowland shares recent changes in ministerial and member services.
A group of brethren eating a meal
2 minutes
During the weekend of May 20-22, 65 brethren from the Portsmouth, Ohio, and Prestonsburg, Kentucky, congregations had the opportunity to gather for...
Stan Martin
5 minutes
The United Church of God would like to recognize Stan Martin upon his retirement from the employed ministry in the Church.
Two men examining items at a yard sale
3 minutes
The Men’s Club decided that Good Works would be the recipient of whatever we would raise at the yard sale.
Rick and Deborah Shabi portrait
5 minutes
After weeks of prayer and periodic fasting, the Council of Elders selected Rick Shabi to serve as the next president of the United Church of God, an...
2 minutes
If you’d like to register to attend the Feast in Mindanao, please visit feast.ucg.org.
A group of young adults outdoors
2 minutes
For the first time, Zambia held a Young Adults Camp with the theme “Dare to Win.”
Three men giving a panel presentation
6 minutes
Overall, the 2022 meeting of the General Conference of Elders provided a weekend of connection, growth and cooperation.
Two people sitting outdoors looking over a landscape
10 minutes
The Bible has much to say about mental health. Here are five principles of mental health to stimulate discussion, reflection, prayer and meditation.
6 minutes
Below are summations of the most recent messages published in the MMS eNews.
A father and child walking on the beach
3 minutes
Being a father as our Creator intended is wonderful and rewarding, however, it is not easy.
A sign that reads dead end
7 minutes
After years of preaching a strong message of repentance, the prophet Habakkuk became distressed since most people refused to heed His God-given words...
A person is moving a large branch
6 minutes
In this second of two parts, In this second article, we discuss our plans for the work in Myanmar. While it seems futile to make plans in a country...
A group of hands
4 minutes
There is no greater calling in life than that which God gives us.
7 minutes
In this three-part series, let’s briefly examine the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, the nature of Jesus in the context of modern...
1 minute
We are proceeding with plans for a “specialty” Feast tour in Israel in 2023!
Ambassador Bible College Class of 2022
2 minutes
Ambassador Bible College is a 9-month program dedicated to studying the Word of God and preparing leaders to serve in their congregations and families...
A group of women performing music
2 minutes
The Portland congregation hosted their annual Women’s Enrichment Weekend over the weekend of March 24-27.
a group of women gathered behind a poster and vintage decorations
3 minutes
Ladies enjoyed a women's weekend hosted by the Orange County, California, congregation with the theme "Looking Back—Moving Forward."
A group of students standing outside
1 minute
The Continuing Education program gives participants a sampling of classes from the ABC curriculum.
A group of hikers standing and seated on boulders
1 minute
The Phoenix, Arizona, church family kicked off the 2022 Holy Days with a Feast to remember.