Trending Sermons

Five Minutes With Jesus Christ

If you were given the opportunity to talk in person to Jesus Christ for five minutes what would you ask him? The answer is something for each of us to think about. What would you really ask Him?

The Unpayable Debt and Obligation

The tremendous sacrifice of Jesus Christ should point a Christian to the fact that one can never adequately pay back the debt of His sacrifice, but one is required to live a life of service toward God and mankind.

Why Is Everything About Sex?

We are witnessing the decline of sexual morality at a rapid pace. Why the erosion of sexual morality and should we be distressed and dismayed? This message addresses contemporary sexual mores and meaning.

Are we preparing earnestly for the Passover

Conditions in this world are in total disarray! As a result are we as God's people earnestly preparing for the Passover? Do we really fully comprehend the full meaning of the Passover that Jesus Christ established and our total responsibility?

The Millennial Reeducation

Once the leaders of this world are put away and God's government is established, the world will need to unlearn the incorrect ideas and ungodly ideologies that have been taught.

Raising God Directed Children

Those called and chosen of God are the children of God and He has given us His laws, statues, commandments and a set of instructions to achieve the ultimate goal of being born into the very family of God.