Love God With Your All

We are told in Matt. 22:37 and in Mk 12:29 that the most important commandment is to love the Lord thy God with our whole heart, soul and might. How can we do this better? What are the keys to serving and loving God with our ALL?

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Leroy (Lee) Cole (1939-2018) served in the ministry of Jesus Christ with his wife, Laura, for 52 years.

Mr. Cole was born and reared in the central Willamette Valley in Oregon. He was brought up in a Sabbath-keeping church. Being reared on a small farm gave him the opportunity for a broad range of knowledge and skills. He attended Ambassador College in Pasadena, California, after graduating from high school in Oregon, with a degree in theology and history. Leroy married fellow Ambassador College student Laura Jean Counts in 1962 and moved to Australia where he was ordained a minister. Leroy and his wife Laura pastored churches both internationally and nationally. Pastoring churches in Australia and Southeast Asia gave them great experience of travel and knowing how other cultures live. They returned to the U.S.A., along with their three daughters, in the fall of 1974. They pastored many congregations in the U.S. from the west coast to the east coast.

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